Force For Good Switzerland

Nourish The Children

"Being nourished, not just being fed, is an essential part of healthy living"
Dr. James Winter Duersch, Senior Director of Global Product Regulatory Affairs

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, more than 900 million people are hungry worldwide and UNICEF estimates that every six seconds a child dies from malnutrition and related causes. 

To help address this desperate situation, Nu Skin has developed nutrient-dense VitaMeal and its Nourish the Children initiative and now every second a serving of VitaMeal is donated to a child in need. 

The primary charity partner for Nourish the Children is FEED THE CHILDREN, which specializes in distributing millions of pounds of food each year to families in more than 60 countries. The charity partner distributes the donated VitaMeal® at NO ADDITIONAL COSTS and provides regular reports documenting the receipt of food by those in need.

Feed The Children is particularly suited to support Nourish the Children because it is one of the few charities that deal mostly with gifts-in-kind or non-cash donations. The charity is able to leverage its cash donations to distribute a large amount of donated goods and supplies around the world, including VitaMeal®. 

Maximizing Your Impact

While the VitaMeal itself is very important in impacting the lives of children, the donations go beyond just the meal to impact the lives of many others.  These meal donations create opportunities to improve lives through education, jobs, and teaching self-sufficiency.

Drawing Children to School

VitaMeal donations are generally distributed through school programs because parents living in poverty will often send their children to school for a free meal, rather than keep them home to work. This is especially true of girls: the World Bank has recognized that “there is no investment more effective for achieving development goals than educating girls.”

Ensuring a Consistent Flow of Donations

As a social business initiative, Nourish the Children facilitates consistent and increasing food donations by offering an incentive to buy, donate, and promote VitaMeal®. This commission is included in the price of the food and allows distributors to invest their time and resources to encourage others to join the cause against malnutrition. Your VitaMeal donation is increased with a corporate match program from Nu Skin.

Building Economic Opportunity

In response to the immense need for VitaMeal® in Malawi, Nu Skin Enterprises financed a locally owned and operated plant in November 2004 that has provided both food and jobs for the local economy and dramatically reduced transportation and distribution costs. Another VitaMeal® plant located in Jixi, China began production in 2006.

Contributing to Self-Sufficiency

Some of the proceeds from VitaMeal® purchases are donated to the Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation to fund agricultural education at Mtalimanja Village (link to Village page of the FFG section) in Malawi. Increased farm production could someday alleviate the need for food assistance in Malawi.

Nourishing victims of disaster 

Millions of donated VitaMeal® servings nourish people whose lives have been thrown into chaos by disasters. Many have lost their homes, their work and family members. They are left destitute with nowhere to go and nothing to eat. Nourishing VitaMeal® saves them from starvation, malnutrition and helps them combat disease as they rebuild.

2004 Asian Tsunami:
3 million VitaMeal® servings delivered

2005 Hurricane Katrina: 700.000 VitaMeal® donations delivered

2008 Sichuan China earthquake: 6 million VitaMeal® servings delivered

2010 Haiti earthquake: over 1 million VitaMeal® servings delivered